(World Bank Aided Project)
National Hydrology Project (NHP)
National Hydrology Project (NHP) is a central Sector Scheme of 8 years duration starting from 2016-17 onwards with an objectiveto improve the extent, quality and accessibility of water resources information and to strengthen the capacity of water resources management institutions in the State. The Project in the State is headed by State Project Coordinator in the rank of Secretary / Commissioner & Secretary and assisted by Nodal Officer in the rank of Chief Engineer.
Implementation of activities of NHP under Water Resources Department, Nagaland are:
- State Data Centre at Kohima:
State Data Centre has beenconstructed for the purpose of data entry, validation, analysis, retrieval and dissemination of data of meteorological, hydrological (Surface & Groundwater) and Water quality measurements. The construction of the State Data Centre commenced on 2nd August, 2019 and was completed on 30th Nov, 2020. For collection of Real Time Data of River Basins and establishment of a Real Time Data Acquisition System (RTDAS), 47 numbers of hydromet sites have been identified throughout the State covering 11 Districts of Nagaland on which Telemetric based instruments has been installed. The instruments installed are 6(six) numbers of Automatic Weather Stations, 41(forty one) numbers of Automatic Raingauge Station, 32(thirty two) numbers of Automatic Water Level Recorder for recording of long term water level fluctuations in the main rivers.
- Hydrology Project Convention Centre at Dimapur:
Hydrology Project Convention Centre (HPCC) has been constructed to build up departmental staff capacities, impart awareness and use of latest technologies and tools involved in Water Monitoring and Management System. The centre will also disseminate knowledge and experiences gain from knowledge product such as Flood Forecasting, Irrigation Benchmarking, Surveying with latest technologies and mitigating Flood inundation. Further, the Centre will serve as a backup data Centre and will record data derived from knowledge products and survey works. The HPCC also houses the Investigation Cell. Office, Dimapur.
- Construction of Piezometers :
Piezometersare used for systematic measurement of water levels to provide essential data needed to evaluate changes in the resources over time, to develop groundwater models and forecast trends and to design, implement and monitor the effectiveness of groundwater management and protection programmes. The department has taken up three Piezometers located at Kohim, Dimapur and Tuli(Mokokching) to monitor the ground water level as a start up in Nagaland to monitor and forecast trend.
- Real Time Data Acquisition System (RTDAS):
Real Time Data Acquisition System (RTDAS) is a process to obtain the Hydro-Met measurements from Remote Stations and transmit to Central Receiving Station in real time basis. RTDAS mainly consists of
- Hydro-meteorological Sensors.
- Data logger/Data Collection platform.
- Telemetry modem (GSM &GPRS, INSATTransmitter).
- Power Supply System (Battery, Solar Panel, DC Charge controller etc.).
- State Data Centre (SDC) / Earth Receiving Station (ERS).