The Non-Lapsable Central Pool of Resources (NLCPR) Scheme came into existence in 1998 under then Planning Commission. Subsequently, it was transferred to DoNER in 2001. Since inception of the Scheme, various projects were sanctioned across sectors for development of North Eastern Region as per Scheme guidelines framed for the purpose and revised from time to time.

The objective of NLCPR Scheme is to fill up the gap in infrastructure sector of the North Eastern Region through sanctioning the projects prioritized by the State Governments. Ministry gets Annual Budgetary Allocation from Ministry of Finance for funding the projects under NLCPR Scheme. Funds under the scheme are shared between the Central and State Governments on 90:10 basis. The approved funds under the scheme are released in three instalments in the ratio of 40:40:20 for the projects sanctioned prior to the revised guidelines 2016 based on the commensurate physical and financial progress of the projects.

Based on past experiences and an exhaustive review undertaken during 2015-16, the Scheme Guidelines was revised in 2016 to make the process of retention and sanction of projects more transparent and participative. The new provisions incorporated in the Guidelines empower the State Governments apart from discouraging parking of funds and fast-tracking the entire process from conceptualization to completion of projects. The salient features of Revised Guidelines are as under:-

  • Constitution of State Level Empowered Committee (SLEC) in each State to prioritize and recommend projects for retention/sanction.
  • Delegation of power of techno-economic vetting of the DPRs to State Level Empowered Committee (SLEC) headed by the Chief Secretary of the State.
  • Number of instalments for release of funds reduced to two i.e. 40% and 60% based on physical and financial progress reports.
  • To ensure just-on-time release of funds, initially a token amount of Rs. 10 lakh to be released and balance amount of first instalment to be released after receipt of letter of award of the contract.

After coming into existence, a new Central Sector Scheme in December, 2017 namely, “North East Special Infrastructure Development Scheme” (NESIDS) in place of NLCPR Scheme, no new project is taken up for funding under the NLCPR Scheme.

The Department has successfully implemented2 (two) projects under NLCPR Programme as given in the table below:

Sl.noName of ProjectYearEstimated cost (lakh)Released amountStatus
1.Integrated Nguiki Irrigation Project, Peren District2007-08290290Completed
2.Utilization of Ground Water Resources through Shallow Tube Well  2008-0963.0563.05Completed
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